Common Sorrel

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Common Name: Common Sorrel

Latin Name: Rumex acetosa

Ultimate Height: 1 metre

Flower Colour: Red

Type: Perennial

Soil: Loam, Sand, Chalk, Acidic, Neutral PH

Flowering times: May-June

History, uses and notes:

Common Sorrel is not actually here for the bees, it does attract butterflies in the form of Small Coppers which use it to breed. 

Sorrel is a member of the dock family.

It is pollinated by wind and has been included for its generally great look and common culinary uses.

Common Sorrel has been used and cultivated for centuries. The plants have a sharp taste and can be used in soups, stews and a range of other meals. 

It is a hardy and adaptable species commonly found roadside verges, meadows and the edges of woodland.


Common sorrel is a perennial with arrow-shaped leaves that grow from the stem at the base of the plant. Plant grows as a rosette with reddish flowers are carried on slender spikes. Flowers are red-yellow in colour.

Close up of the red flowers

Close up of the red flowers

Sorrel growing in a meadow

Sorrel growing in a meadow

Arrow-shaped leaves of Sorrel

Arrow-shaped leaves of Sorrel

Ben Davidson