Oxeye Daisy
Common Name: Oxeye Daisy
Latin Name: Leucanthemum vulgare
Ultimate Height: 1 metre
Flower Colour: White and Yellow
Type: Perennial
Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand, Chalk, Acid, Alkaline, Neutral PH
Flowering times: June-September
History, uses and notes:
Oxeye Daisy is the proud, largest member of our daisies.
It is also known as Dog daisy.
The petal-plucking game, 'He loves me; he loves me not', is thought to have started with the Oxeye Daisy and is now a common children's activity.
Historically, it was used to treat ailments, ranging from whooping cough to nervous dispositions.
It is a hardy and adaptable species and is commonly found on waste ground, roadside verges and meadows.
The Oxeye Daisy is very popular with all pollinators and certainly helps to bring #bringthebeesback
The Oxeye Daisy is easy to identify by its large, round flower heads that appear on single, tall stems. It has deep green, spoon-shaped leaves at its base and thin, jagged leaves along the stem.
A bee visiting an Oxeye Daisy!
Lovely photo of Oxeye Daisy’s
Leaves of an Oxeye Daisy